Recently, we were privileged to design, build and install a custom organ installation for the historic Salem Baptist Church in Jenkintown. Founded in 1884, Salem has been host to many prominent pastors and guest speakers. Included in the list is the well-known Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His historic visit on September 11, 1960 marks a time in history for Salem. Dr. King's famous quote, "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?" describes the heart of a true Biblical servant and the ministries and people at Salem.

Salem's pastor Rev. Marshall Mitchell and music director Dr. Leon Burroughs, set out to find a worthy replacement for their failing pipe organ. The result of their efforts is a new Allen 3-manual 57-stop instrument complete with Swell and MIDI antiphonal, custom Chancel facade pipes and surround ambiance system. The recent dedication concert evidenced the community support and love for Salem and it's musical heritage. Music director Dr. Leon Burroughs, Salems Choir and special guest organist Aram Basmadjian filled Salem's worship space with rich music - WORSHIP AT FULL VOLUME!
Salem's Organ Dedication |